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Surgical laboratory

A neuroanatomy laboratory equipped like an operating room.

The laboratory

The ULNIL surgical laboratory is a technical platform using cadaveric specimens for research purposes in neurosurgery and skull base surgery. Skull base surgery is a multidisciplinary field that involves specialists in neurosurgery, ear, nose and throat surgery (otology and sinuses) and ophthalmology. This laboratory is located at the Experimental Organogenesis Research Center of Laval University (LOEX) and is equipped with the same surgical equipment found in the operating room.

It is the first laboratory of its kind in Quebec, inspired by many other internationally renowned surgical and anatomical laboratories. Innovative projects involving anatomy, surgical technique and biomedical engineering are carried out there. These projects apply directly to surgeries and have a real and measurable impact on patients.

The success of cadaveric neuroanatomy laboratories is proven by numerous examples around the world. These laboratories are a hub for international residents and are an essential part of a state-of-the-art center for skull base surgery.


The surgical laboratory is equipped with the following equipment:

  • Headrests
  • Surgical microscope
  • Surgical endoscope for endonasal surgery
  • MR8 Surgical Drill Station with Integrated Irrigation System
  • Neuronavigation
  • Miscroscopic dissection equipment (microdissectors, microforceps)
  • Endoscopic dissection equipment
  • Medical suction
  • Peristaltic pump for circulation models (blood, CSF)

Research fellowship

The surgical laboratory welcomes national and international residents. Interested candidates are invited to contact us or consult the “ Team” tab for more information.